So a few days ago I released a blog about Steve Harvey visiting Donald Trump and how even though history has shown that politicians meeting with black hollywood doesn’t really help the black community but was optimistic and hoping for the best. The response I got from most of you guys, not all.. was the exact opposite. I had one guy online who agreed but to tell you the truth I don’t know if he was black and kind of made me felt uncomfortable. Since then Steve Harvey has come on the radio and basically called everyone calling him a coon, ungrateful bastards. Saying his kids are in a better position then the rest of the black community and he’s there to help the people who help made Steve Harvey who he is (the black community) and that they should be happy that one of them has a seat at the table.
Now Steve has done things for the community, created programs for boys with no fathers and donated to charity but he been cooning for a while. With everyone from Martin Luther King Jr the 3rd, Steve Harvey, Kanye West, Ray Lewis and Jim Brown being called sell outs and coons for meeting with Donald Trump, it makes you wonder why the black community is against the Trumpster? Well it turns out, Donald Trump has a discrimination problem.
1)In the 1970s, he was sued by the feds for not renting to African-Americans
At the time, “African American” and “welfare” were used interchangeably and it was a established trademark of politician of the day, which allowed speakers to appeal to racist beliefs without using openly racist terms. In 1980 the coded language that use the word welfare as code for undeserving minorities as revealed when Ronald Reagan spoke of “welfare queens” and “strapping young bucks.” According to the Census, Whites used welfare assistance than blacks but welfare was regarded by some as a special benefit for minorities. Trump’s countersuit in the fair housing case brought against his company was dismissed by a judge who thought it a "waste of paper." The Trump organization eventually cooperated with the feds, agreeing to a protocol intended to the issues of the company but it didn’t stop there. 1973, the United States Department of Justice went to court with a discrimination complaint against the Trump family business, which rented apartments across Brooklyn and Queens. The complaint was based on an investigation that found four different Trump employees confirming that applicants for leases were screened by race. One rental agent said even Trump’s father told him not to rent to blacks and that he wanted to reduce the number of African Americans in his buildings. A few doormen said they had been instructed to discourage black people who came to Trump buildings to apply for apartments.
Donald testified repeatedly that he had nothing to do with renting apartments, although in an application for a broker’s license filed at the same time he said that he was in charge of all rentals. In 1975, Trump look like he was coming around to a far-reaching agreement with the DOJ in which he agreed not to discriminate and to open its housing to more nonwhites. His company agreed to submit a weekly list of vacancies to the Urban League, which would produce qualified applicants for all vacancies for two years. But after the vacancies opened up, fewer than 10 percent of the tenants were black or Hispanic, and they had three days to submit applications. If they did qualified, they had to agree to advertise vacancies in newspapers and press outlets serving minority communities. By 1983, a fair-housing activist cited statistics that two Trump Village developments had white majorities of at least 95 percent.
2)He wanted Innocent Black Kids Dead
In the early 80‘s Trump help lead the public lynching of innocent black and Latino teens who were arrested in the infamous Central Park 5 jogger rape attack. Trump himself chose to pay for $85,000 worth of full page newspaper ads, in capital letters, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” In the text Trump disagreed with Mayor Ed Koch’s plea for peace: Mayor Koch stated that "hate and rancor should be removed from our hearts. I do not think so” Trump responded. The five accused were subjected to intense interrogation, majority without their parents present, and force to give false confessions. After many years in prison, they were exonerated by DNA evidence. Trump keep his convictions even after A book and a documentary film on the case showed how fear and race played substantial roles in the wrongful convictions.
3)Comes off a racist
In 1989, he told Bryant Gumbel “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market...if I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today.” In the 1991 book by John O’Donnell (who had been president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City) quotes Trump saying,“ Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.” Also during a 1993 Congressional committee hearing on gambling casino operated by Indian tribes. Trump, who considered the tribes competitors, offered a flourish of insensitivity during his testimony when he said, “They don’t look like Indians to me and they don’t look like Indians to Indians.” Trump also said that tribal gaming operators were somehow tied to organized crime and a scandal was about to erupt. He has called Mexicans “rapists” and proposed a ban on Muslims entering the United States and has attacked judges who presides over Trump University class-action lawsuits. Calling the American-born Gonzalo Curiel a “Mexican," he said the judge was therefore biased against him, and he suggest that a Muslim judge might also be incapable of hearing a lawsuit involving any Trump brand or business. I remember at the time, last summer when I was in Atlanta sitting in Mc Donald's, switching hotels on my iphone cause the original one sucked and I looked up to CNN to see him singling out a black man at one of his rallies, calling him “my African American” as if the mans presence proved Trump was on the right side of the race issue as he declared, “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.” No black or Hispanic executive has ever played a prominent public role in the Trump business organization. Only one of the foundation run by Eric Trump includes one African American vice president, Lynn Patton, who is described on the foundation website as “senior assistant” to Donald Trump’s three older adult children. From mocking Chinese businesspeople with broken English, contorting his body to make fun of a disabled reporter, or calling out to “my African American," again and again, Trump has not gained the trust of black people or any minority group at all. Trump. Putting WHITE back in White House. Trump probably dont care about no urban renewal, he’s just playing the game taking photo ops to help his credibility with the black community to prove he’s not racist. History shows they wont help the community. Almost everyone he appointed into the white house have a track record of doing things that low key hurts the “minority community” Time to get on your grind, start a business, practice group economics, practice self defense, because urban renewal might be just code word for kick out the minority community by gentrification, arresting more people, we may get branded as the enemy. This may be Ronald Reagan 2.0 with a Nixon downloadable content. You can keep saying he’s not your president but thats like standing in Disney world and screaming you’re going to ignore every Disney character and the whole Disney experience. We live in America. He’s the American President. If you are an American, he’s your president. You may not like him, he may not like you but it is what it is. Stop depending on the government and focus on building your community. Build a business. Practice group economics. Protect your own community. Become Self sufficient. Study history and look at the future
The TV star, producer, radio personality, actor, author, comedian and fashion entrepreneur meet with President Elect Trump and people are already turning heads. In some eyes, people believe Trump is going to use Steve Harvey and other influencers in the black community as puppets to push his agenda. Other think this is just another opportunity for Steve Harvey to get more attention to sell his latest products to Trump's demographic. I think it could be bigger than that.
From the looks of it, Steve has been assigned to help the White House solve issues in America’s poor neighborhoods. According to Reuters, Steve is "teaming up with Housing Secretary-designate Ben Carson on [an] inner city initiative.” You know, the same Ben Carson who initially declined the role of Housing Secretary, allegedly because he felt he didn’t have the experience to run a federal agency. Since his training is as a neurosurgeon, it is safe to say he does not but I saw the film "Gifted Hands". Im sure he can learn it if its written in a book.
Steve shared a message on twitter on what his intentions were meeting with Trump. When Kanye and Jim Brown met with Donald I was kind of worried. Jim Brown has always been behind the community and Kanye is one of the most influential artist today and I know Donald could easy gain support of the black community with them behind him. History has shown us time after time, black celebrities would meet with politicians to get the people behind him, only for the politician to leave them when they need them. I'm very optimistic. Im going to do what I do best no matter who is the president. We didn't choose for this but what's done is done. Unless somehow Obama stays in office and decides to pull a "Wolf Of Wall Street" and scream that he's not leaving then let's hope for the best but study the past and prepare for the worst. If they can't help the community, its up to us to do it. The dude has already been elected as our president. The best thing is to hope these guys really do still represent the community and make changes thats needed that doesn't include gentrification.
AuthorThere's always something going on but nothing new under the sun. Archives
January 2017