Originally wanted to see this cause I thought this was the Kevin hart and Jamie foxx vehicle but once I saw the trailer I saw that this was not the film I thought it was but it was Number 1 in box office (didn't make more than it's 30 million dollar budget only taking in 21 million and theaters take half so they only made 10.5 million but if they continue to do those number for the next 5 weeks they will make some profit) and I did read in Micheal hauge book "Writing screenplays that sell" I was told serious screenwriters should see a new film every week and it was so T-Mobile Tuesday which allowed me to see it for $4. Figured what could I lose. It wasn't long before I regretted my decision. These are the top 3 things I didn't like about this film.
2)Poor casting
This film would of been 100x better if a comedian like Eddie Murphy or Jamie fox played this role. Samuel Jackson is a fantastic actor but this role doesn't require his talent. This role was made for someone who can crack the right jokes and take the scene to different heights and direction and Samuel just plays Samuel.
3)Not funny The audience around me did laugh a lot but Sam jackson saying mother fucker over and over isn't comedy gold. From what I read online the film was meant to be a drama until a few weeks before filming they re wrote it as a comedy ... and it shows. The piss and electrolytes jokes was corny. If you want electrolytes, drink Element water and natural gifts. If Want to help sponsor videos like this, you can invest into natural gifts now at www.kiva.org/lend/1350082 (or you can do it traditionally through my patron, http://patreon.com/Carlemile ). Only I joke I cracked a smile for was a fart bit. They had a joke about a woman in a corner and when they first did the joke and came back to it it was funny but then they kept coming back to it diluting the joke. I laughed more during the new Madea trailer. The film had Great action/violence and did a great job setting up of emotional back stories of each character with their relationships and why they started their line of work and foreshadowing future scenes with "ever got shot for a client?" conversation. The movie took too long at the end and I was using the set pieces to figure out what act we were in. Knowing the film wouldn't end at the courthouse cause it felt like there was one set piece left, I literally got bored, wikipedia the end and went out for soda and then came back just to see the conclusion. Music was pretty good. I didn't know any of the songs but they fit. I think they should of kept it as a drama with some comedic elements not a full blown action comedy starring deadpool and nick fury. I give it a 5 out of 5.
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